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(JAVE Co., Ltd - a good reputation company in China for custom mold & molding manufacturing.)
Most organic pigment manufacturers uses their own test method and most of them are molding a chip in a homogeny thickness with a certain length and width (longer length) and then measures the shrinkage in length vs transverse direction to provide what could be called a warping index. The uniso-tropical shrinkage is a sign of warping and an iso-tropical index of 1 is of course the best (= same shrinkage in length as well as in transverse direction).
All pigments act as nucleators and will influence shrinkage and warping in semi crystalline resins. Some organic pigment chemistries are really powerful nucleators and will provide a high degree of warping (e.g. Phtalocyanine pigments). Besides general aspect as part- and mold design and a careful selection of pigments, nucleating agents may be added to overcome warping effects.
All pigments act as nucleators and will influence shrinkage and warping in semi crystalline resins. Some organic pigment chemistries are really powerful nucleators and will provide a high degree of warping (e.g. Phtalocyanine pigments). Besides general aspect as part- and mold design and a careful selection of pigments, nucleating agents may be added to overcome warping effects.
Tags: Plastics
The process consists of the following steps, but the detail may vary depending on how formal you want to be about the project:
- Establish the cost incentive using quotes or cost estimation tools.
- Understand everything about the function of the "target" component to be replaced.
- Develop thermoplastic concepts which reflect the required functions, including environmental considerations, temperature, structure, etc.
- Validate the preliminary concept using simulation tools.
- Validate the cost incentive - make sure the project is a net cost save given the geometry, material, and annual volume (i.e. tooling amortization).
- Finalize design.
- Prototype.
- Validate with testing.
Tags: Plastics
In the automotive industry the requirement of using recycled plastics material is encouraged by European directives. In fact, particularly in the polyolefin sector large amounts of regrind materials are being used. The scrap ratio depends a lot of the sourcing of the regrind. In most cases manufacturers that use off grade, regrind material will make sure its single source regrind supplier , which is in its turn a challenge as the volumes offered are not constant. Off grade or regrind is a byproduct and as such not an intentional product to be produced!
While in the polyolefines sector intrinsic property differences caused by regrind can be influenced more easily by appropriate selection of additives and/ or other resins, it becomes more trickier for the higher end polar thermoplastics like e.g PC/ABS.
In order to make a decision if a regrind / off grade material has a negative effect statistical analysis and multi variable regression helps a lot to determine which factor is really the cause of the problem. Too often different views, impressions, thoughts, all equally valid, are being raised as possibilities but it needs to be supported by statistically significant data.
While in the polyolefines sector intrinsic property differences caused by regrind can be influenced more easily by appropriate selection of additives and/ or other resins, it becomes more trickier for the higher end polar thermoplastics like e.g PC/ABS.
In order to make a decision if a regrind / off grade material has a negative effect statistical analysis and multi variable regression helps a lot to determine which factor is really the cause of the problem. Too often different views, impressions, thoughts, all equally valid, are being raised as possibilities but it needs to be supported by statistically significant data.
Tags: Plastics
Engineering plastic molded parts are made of engineering plastics, through injection molding process, the engineering plastics, such as ABS, PC, POM, are molded into parts with desired shape and measurement. Parts made of engineering plastics have better mechanical and thermal properties, it can be used as a replacement of metal in many applications, for example, plastic auto parts, medical parts, electronic parts, household parts etc.
Engineering plastic molded parts required firstly part design, then you need a mold making company to fabricate an injection mold, at the end, you need an injection molder to mold it. To achieve a good result, it is important to make sure that both the mold maker and molder understand the property of the engineering plastic. Unlike other ordinary plastic parts, the parts made of engineering plastic are supposed to be applicable on many aspects besides dimension or appearance; you need to do some test to make sure there are functional.
Engineering plastic molded parts required firstly part design, then you need a mold making company to fabricate an injection mold, at the end, you need an injection molder to mold it. To achieve a good result, it is important to make sure that both the mold maker and molder understand the property of the engineering plastic. Unlike other ordinary plastic parts, the parts made of engineering plastic are supposed to be applicable on many aspects besides dimension or appearance; you need to do some test to make sure there are functional.
It's a common way to assemble plastic components or achieve functionality by creating hole features, Location and measurement of holes need to be carefully designed to minimize the complexity of mold manufacturing and negative influence to the part strength, in this article we are going to discuss what elements we should consider when doing rib design.

Rib is a frequently used feature in plastic injection molded parts design for the purpose to enhance the strength of the plastic parts, typical rib design see below figure.

The thickness and location is essential of the rib design. Usually, ribs should be designed with a thickness of 1/2 of the wall thickness to avoid a thick section at the base of the wall, which would cause sink marks on the part surface. Ribs are usually spaced at a distance at least twice the wall thickness to allow enough steel between the ribs for adequate cooling.

The thickness and location is essential of the rib design. Usually, ribs should be designed with a thickness of 1/2 of the wall thickness to avoid a thick section at the base of the wall, which would cause sink marks on the part surface. Ribs are usually spaced at a distance at least twice the wall thickness to allow enough steel between the ribs for adequate cooling.
Many oversea buyers intend to send their inquiries to a bunch of Chinese plastic injection mold makers before they placed order to one of them, choices sometimes just simply made base on price. If you are lucky enough, you could probably get a qualified molded product at the cheapest price. But what about the next time? Your business success should not be hanging on odds.
Whenever you get a quotation from a China mould supplier, you better have your own sense to estimate if it's competitive or reasonable or it's over-charged. It's very much necessary to understand the actual mold price in China.
Cost of a plastic molded part includes raw material, injection molding, labor cost, packing, transportation, management, and profit. Let ‘s get into each items one by one.
Whenever you get a quotation from a China mould supplier, you better have your own sense to estimate if it's competitive or reasonable or it's over-charged. It's very much necessary to understand the actual mold price in China.
Cost of a plastic molded part includes raw material, injection molding, labor cost, packing, transportation, management, and profit. Let ‘s get into each items one by one.
Tags: Plastics
Using the mold to make plastic parts or Nylon part, depending on the application, one long core pin from one end of part. Cores mounted on top of mold.
The plastics are molded in the vertical position in the mold. The ID of these parts or Zero draft, to allow for the mixing elements to be inserted without regard to position - they fit either way and must be a snug fit to the ID of the nozzle. Water bubblers run the entire length of each core with a threaded tip on the end- water tight with a little super glue.
The plastics are molded in the vertical position in the mold. The ID of these parts or Zero draft, to allow for the mixing elements to be inserted without regard to position - they fit either way and must be a snug fit to the ID of the nozzle. Water bubblers run the entire length of each core with a threaded tip on the end- water tight with a little super glue.
Tags: Plastics